Yosuke is in the academic job market in the 2024/25 cycle
I’m in the academic job market in the 2024/25 cycle. Please reach out if you see a potential alignment.
I’m in the academic job market in the 2024/25 cycle. Please reach out if you see a potential alignment.
Adobe Illustrator and similar vector graphics software allows you to prepare figures for scientific publication. As a computational researcher working on statistical methods, you may want to use LaTeX equations in figures.
Here are the exciting moments in 2022! We have other news posts.
This page has a long list of resources to learn about efficient large-scale computing.
私は,生物情報科学という,生物学と情報科学の融合分野について,学部生の段階で先進的な教育を受ける機会に恵まれました。私が在籍したときは,学年の学生人数は10人程度,一方で教授陣も約10人ほどと,学生定数:教員数がほぼ 1:1 というとても恵まれた環境で,最先端の学問分野を指導していただくことができました。
Here are the exciting moments in 2022! We have other news posts.
This post is written in Japanese. Yosuke explains his life at Stanford.
Here are the exciting moments in 2021! We have other news posts.
There are several column-oriented data formats. To store and query large table files, we explor those modern technologies. Here, I have some snippets.
Occasionally, Yosuke performs science outreach talks. This post explains an example of such activities targeted for Japanese high schoolers.
Kinesis Advantageous 2 keyboard.
Terminal multiplexer software, such as tmux
and screen
, is a useful tool. When using tmux
on mac, I encountered the following error.
PLINK is a well-established software for genetic analysis. In many projects, we use plink2
for genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and other genetic analyses using the raw genotype matrix.
When you’re working on extremely small floating numbers in R (such as when you have strong p-values), there are a few options.
This post is written in Japanese. Yosuke explains his fellowship support from the Funai Foundation for Information Technology, which supports Japanese citizens and permanent residents. You may have some luck with DeepL translator.
Ruby bundler is a convenient tool to manage the Ruby environments. This website, for example, is built with Jekyll.
Figshare is a data hosting service to make the scientific results available. While they have a nice web interface to upload your files, you sometimes want to upload a large file (> 5GB, for example). For that purpose, they provide an API access. Here is my example on how to use their API.
Here, I list publicly available resources.
SLURM is one of the most common job scheduler used in many high performance cluster computing severs (HPC). Here, I summarize useful SLURM commands.
This post is written in Japanese. Please check my post on our recent preprint, Tanigawa, Y. & Rivas, M. Initial Review and Analysis of COVID-19 Host Genetics and Associated Phenotypes. (2020). Also, you may have some luck with DeepL translator.
Thanks to my colleagues and supports from the community, we had several exciting moments in 2020! We have other news posts.