
Yosuke Tanigawa is a Postdoctoral Associate at MIT Computational Biology Lab (PI: Dr. Manolis Kellis).

Yosuke works at the intersection of statistical genetics and computational biology. Specifically, he develops computational and statistical methods to dissect disease heterogeneity and apply them in systematic analyses of large-scale phenotypic, genetic, epigenomic, functional genomic, and single-cell genomic datasets.

Before joining MIT, he completed his doctoral training at Stanford University (Ph.D. in Biomedical Informatics), working with Dr. Manuel Rivas and Dr. Gill Bejerano.

Please check his CV, the Publications page, and his Google Scholar profile. He also maintains the Resources page, where you may browse datasets, analysis and visualization scripts, and web applications from his research activities.

Research interests

I work in the following three research areas.

Research overview

The video above is from the CSAIL Computational Biology Lab Tour in 2024, a research overview tailored for the industry audience.

Upcoming presentations

  • 2024/9/19: Yosuke will present at Southern California Symposium on Polygenic Risk Scores.
  • 2024/11/6: Yosuke will present at the American Society of Human Genetics 2024 Annual Meeting.
    • 11:30-45 am, Room 505: Session 24 - The Sex-Specific Landscape: Variation, Regulation, and Expression


Blog posts

I write blog posts mostly on computing tips, including:


Email is the best contact to reach out to me. If you do not get a reply within two days, please do not hesitate to follow up. Thank you very much for your interest in our work.

  • Email: yosuke <dot> tanigawa [at] alumni <dot> stanford <dot> edu
  • Social media accounts can be found on the left (for PC) or the “Follow” button on the top (for smartphone).